Alertra Script Language 1.9
Alertra Script Language 1.9
- This version:
(Printable version, Gzip'd TAR archive, ZIP archive) - Latest version:
Copyright © 2002-2014; Alertra, Inc.
This document describes the Alertra Script Language (ASL) script syntax. You can use this document to familiarize yourself with writing ASL scripts. It contains a tutorial and reference sections to show you how to create scripts of your own. ASL scripts drive the agent application used by Alertra to perform protocol checks of Internet resources.
Status of this document
This section describes the status of this document at the time of its publication. Other documents may supersede this document.
This is the 6th release of this document. Changes since the last version include:
- Language Reference changes to form statement.
- Language Reference changes to formdata statement.
- Language Reference changes to http statement.
- Language Reference changes to https statement.
- Language Reference addition of parseform statement.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction
- 1.1. Features
- 1.2. Getting Started
- 2. Tutorial
- 2.1. Check a Site
- 2.2. HTTP Parameters
- 2.3. Error Handling
- 2.4. Saving Data
- 2.5. Low Level Functions
- 2.6. Looping
- A. Definitions
- Z. Language Reference
1. Introduction
Alertra ASL scripts are used by Alertra to perform a check of a given Internet resource. ASL provides mechanisms to specify the Internet resource, provide parameters to the various checks made, and check the results. ASL scripts run on the Alertra's network of remote monitoring stations, no software is installed on customer servers to run ASL scripts.
1.1. Features
ASL can check the following types of Internet resources:
- FTP File Transfer Protocol Test retrieving files from FTP servers using anonymous logins or user specified credentials.
- HTTP/HTTPS 1.0 and 1.1 Check your web sites with the ability to handle forms, check for changes to pages, and follow redirections.
- IMAP4 Connect, get message count, delete messages.
- MySQL Connect, execute queries, retreive results.
- Nameserver Query to resolve domain name to IP.
- PING Send ICMP requests to a server.
- POP3 Connect, get message count, delete messages.
- SMTP Connect, send message.
- SSH Connect, login.
- TELNET Connect, login.
- TCP Sockets Using the tcp, send, recv primitives you can test virtually any socket based Internet resource.
Webmasters are continually on the watch for hackers and the possible defacement of their websites. ASL provides several means of detecting that changes have been made to the site:
- Size Checking ASL can check the size of the content returned from any of the protocol commands and inform you when the size is not correct.
- Content Checking ASL can also scan the returned content to make sure a particular string is found or not found depending on your requirements.
- Digest Developed by NIST, SHA computes a one-way hash of the content returned from an HTTP or FTP commands. This hash is like a fingerprint for the content; any changes to the content will result in a different hash. With ASL you can detect changes to the hash and generate an alert accordingly.
1.2. Getting Started
The best way to get started with ASL is to read the Tutorial. In it you will find examples of several common scripts that you can use as a basis for your own scripts. There are also several articles available on site under the heading Scripting: Unlock the Power of Alertra.
2. Tutorial
This tutorial covers some general topics on writing scripts using the Alertra Scripting Language. For more detail discussion of specific topics, please see the Articles section of the Alertra web site under the heading Scripting: Unlock the Power of Alertra
Note: Some of the sample code blocks have been reformatted to fit comfortably within your web browser. Lines that end with the underline character, "_" continue the same statement on the next line. When writing your own ASL scripts, you must include the entire statement on the same line. There is no line-continuation character in ASL.
2.1. Check a Site
The simplest script to write is one that checks an Internet resource and accepts the default actions when the script fails:
# Check the following URL and # take the default action if it fails dns "" tcp $HTTP_PORT http get,redir "/"
The dns call looks up the given host name and stores the IP address for use by the other commands in the script. The tcp call makes a socket connection to port 80 (HTTP_PORT is a predefined constant representing the default connection port for HTTP servers) of the server. The http command actually retrieves the default page from the web server at the selected host. If there is a problem performing any of these tasks, an error is generated and notifications are generated based on the schedule for the script.
We can get a little fancier and check to see if the page has the size we expect and a required key phrase:
# Check a site, make sure the page is the correct # size and has the given key phrase. dns "" tcp $HTTP_PORT http get "/login.asp?userid=jsmith&password=pocahontas" if not "Sample Site Corp" in $CONTENT then begin error "Returned page not correct" end if not $CONTENT_LENGTH > 1024 then begin error "Page not correct size" end
2.2. HTTP Parameters
We've already seen how you can pass parameters in the URL used to retrieve an HTTP document. Those used the GET method, but you can also use the POST method:
# Pass some parameters to an HTTP form dns "" tcp $HTTP_PORT form userid = "jsmith" form password = "pocahontas" http post "/login.asp"
In case you're wondering, the socket connection created by the tcp command doesn't need to be explicitly closed. Any of the other protocol commands (except send and recv) will automatically close the socket.
2.3. Error Handling
If you want, you can change the default error handling used by ASL. Normally, any problem with a command aborts the script immediately and an error notification is sent to all contacts scheduled to be notified for this script.
You can change this by creating your own error handler. The on error command allows you to either install your own handler:
on error goto error_handler
Or you can just ignore errors:
on error goto next
Here is an example of installing and using a custom error handler.
on error goto script_error # Get the IP address for the site dns "" # Connect to the FTP server tcp $FTP_PORT # Request the readme.txt file with the anonymous login ID # Only get the first 512 bytes of the file ftp "/pub/readme.txt" "anonymous" "" 512 # Make sure we got the right file if not "Alertra" in $CONTENT then error "Returned file not correct." goto exit :script_error # Ignore DNS errors if not $LAST_COMMAND = "dns" then goto send_error exit "DNS failed, site not checked." :send_error on error goto 0 error $LAST_MSG :exit
The first line of our script changes how ASL handles errors. Anytime the error command is called or an internal command generates an error, the script will jump to the ":script_error" label. This allows you to handle script errors in a central location. This script looks at the name of the command that generated the error ($LAST_COMMAND). If the command was a DNS lookup DNS, the script chooses to ignore the error, log the fact that it failed, and exit gracefully.
The final section of the error handler removes the error handler and then re-generates the error so ASL's normal notification mechanism will notify the scheduled contacts of the error.
In your scripts, there really isn't any reason to do this, but just to show that it can be done, lets recode the original example with a totally custom error handler:
on error goto next dns "" if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then goto bad_dns tcp $HTTP_PORT if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then wait 20;tcp $HTTP_PORT if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then wait 20;tcp $HTTP_PORT if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then goto bad_socket http get,redir "/" if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then goto bad_http goto exit :bad_dns on error goto 0 info "(" + $LAST_CODE + ") " + $LAST_DESCRIPTION error "Unable to resolve DNS entry. Check primary " + "and secondary DNS servers." :bad_socket on error goto 0 info "(" + $LAST_CODE + ") " + $LAST_DESCRIPTION error "Unable to connect to host. " + "Make sure HTTP server is running on port " + $HTTP_PORT + "." :bad_http on error goto 0 info "(" + $LAST_CODE + ") " + $LAST_DESCRIPTION error "Unable to retrieve " + $LAST_RESOURCE + "." :exit
This example shows two other features of ASL scripting. While trying to make the socket connection to the server, we attempt the connection 3 times and wait 20 seconds between each attempt. The IF statement allows you to chain commands together with a semi-colon, so we can wait and retry the connection in one statement. You could also use the begin/end construct to accomplish the same thing:
if not $LAST_CODE = "0" then begin wait 20 tcp $HTTP_PORT end
2.4. Saving Data
You can save the contents of variables for use the next time your script is called. This can be used to determine when things change. For instance, if you want to know that the IP address the DNS server returns for your site changes you could do something like this:
dns "" if $SAVE_IP = "" then set SAVE_IP = $LAST_IP if not $SAVE_IP = $LAST_IP then goto new_ip :check tcp $HTTP_PORT http get "/" goto exit :new_ip warning "IP address used to be " + $LAST_IP + " but is now " + $SAVE_IP goto check :exit set SAVE_IP = $LAST_IP save SAVE_IP
In this script, we check the site as normal. If ASL is unable to connect to the web server, an error notification will be sent to the scheduled contacts. However, we also check to see if the IP address has changed. After we retrieve the IP address from the DNS server, we compare it to what the IP address was last time the script ran. To do that we have to work a little magic.
If you ask for the contents of a variable and it doesn't exist, ASL returns an empty string. So our first IF checks to see if we have a valid SAVE_IP. If we don't then we set the SAVE_IP to the value of the current IP. This keeps the next IF statement from firing the first time we run the script. The last bit of magic is taken care of in the ":exit" section. The save command stores the contents of the variable. The next time the script is run, the variable will already exist which is what we want.
This final script demonstrates how you can detect if there have been changes made to your site.
dns "" tcp $HTTP_PORT http get "/index.html" if $SAVE_DIGEST = "" then digest SAVE_DIGEST = $CONTENT digest HASH = $CONTENT if not $HASH = $SAVE_DIGEST then goto possible_hacker goto exit :possible_hacker error "Page has been modified." :exit set SAVE_DIGEST = $HASH save SAVE_DIGEST
The digest command creates a digest of the string it is given. The digest is like a fingerprint and it would be very difficult for someone to change the contents of a file in such a way that it would have different content but generate the same digest.
2.5. Low Level Functions
Low level functions can be used to interact with any socket based service that uses a text based protocol.
dns "" tcp 5602 send "HELO\n" recv if $CONTENT = "Widget Server/1.0" then goto WidgetServer error "Server did not return proper version." :widgetserver recv "login:" send "jsmith\r\n" recv "password:" send "pocahontas\r\n" recv "READY.\r\n" goto exit :exit
The commands send and recv are low level functions that allow you to send and receive character data (and to a limited extent binary data) on an open socket. The send command is fairly straight forward; when called it sends the data provided to the server. You can include \r and/or \n to signifiy the carriage-return and new-line characters respectively.
The recv command acts a little differently depending on how it is called. In the first call to recv, the socket is read until no more data is available and that data is placed in the $CONTENT variable. If no data is received before the default timeout, an error is generated. Since we don't have an error handler installed, the script would be aborted.
In the later recv calls we tell recv the text we expect to receive. Instead of storing the response in a variable, the string you pass is compared to the data read from the socket. If the data read doesn't end with the string passed, an error is generated. Notice that in the receive string you can also pass \r and \n to signify the carrige-return and line-feed characters.
2.6. Looping
The for loop can be used to iterate over a fixed number of items:
for INTERATOR = START_INDEX to END_INDEX begin ... end
The for loop initializes ITERATOR to the value of START_INDEX. By default ITERATOR will then be incrememnted by 1 each time through the loop until it reaches END_INDEX.
for REC = 1 to $MYSQL_ROW_COUNT begin mysql cursor next if $MYSQL_COLUMN_status = "A" then begin info $MYSQL_COLUMN_0 + ", " + $MYSQL_COLUMN_email + ", Active" else info $MYSQL_COLUMN_0 + ", " + $MYSQL_COLUMN_email + ", Not Active" end end
In this example, the loop iterates the over the rows in a MySQL resultset. The variable REC will be set to the current index of the for loop through each iteration. In the example above, the loop will start at 1 and increment REC by 1 until REC is equal to the value of the variable $MYSQL_ROW_COUNT. The default increment is 1, but you can control this by using the step modifier. With step you can increment by any integer value as well as use negative values to run the loop backwards:
for I = 10 to 1 step -1 begin info $I end
Would result in the log containing the text:
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
If you only have one statement to execute in the loop, like the previous example, you could rewrite it like this:
for I = 10 to 1 step -1 info $I
The while loop allows a script to execute the same block of commands an indefinate number of times (note: ASL scripts are not allowed to execute more than 5,000 commands; a script that exceeds this limit will be killed by the system).
while EXPRESSION begin ... end
As long as the EXPRESSION remains true (1 is true in ASL while 0 is false), the loop will continue to execute. Once the EXPRESSION becomes false (0), then execution of the script will continue with the next statement after the while loop's end statement.
set N = 0 while $N <= 10 loop begin info "The value is " + $N set N = $N + 1 end
This example loops until the value of $N is greater than 10.
B. Definitions
ASL | Alertra Scripting Language, the application and scripts that are used by Alertra to perform protocol checks (HTTP, FTP, SMTP, etc...). |
key phrase | A string used to check the contents of the page. If the phrase is not found ASL logs the check as an error. |
label | A designator inside a script that can be used as a target for goto statements. |
check | A single interaction with an Internet resource such as an HTTP or FTP server. An "interaction" encompasses making a socket connection with the resource and performing one or more actions to implement the required protocol. |
Z. Language Reference
Cause content from all protocol commands to be accumulated in the $ACCUMULATED_CONTENT variable. If set for a script, after the script exists, the data in $ACCUMULATED_CONTENT will be saved in the "Content" field of the check record.
usage: accumulate
Gathers all $CONTENT data for all protocol commands in the $ACCUMULATED_CONTENT variable.
Creates an SHA digest and places it in the given variable.
usage: digest [target] = [source]
req | name | type | description |
Y | target | variable | The variable name to put the digest in. |
Y | source | reference/literal | Provides the content to be digested. |
Creates an SHA digest of the contents of the $CONTENT variable and puts it in the variable MAIN_PAGE.
digest KEY = "Some really long content"
Creates an SHA digest of the "Some really long content" and puts it in the variable KEY.
Does a domain name lookup on the given name. This command is a prerequisite for all protocol commands (http, ftp, imap4, etc...).
Normally, HTTP/S session information (e.g. cookies and headers) are thrown out when the 'dns' command in executed. The 'noreset' option holds the session information over for use in subsequent HTTP/S requests.
Domain name information is cached by the Bind deamon. You can instruct the 'dns' command to use fresh data by including the 'nocache' option. This causes 'dns' to use it's own recursive name resolver instead of using Bind's. The name information will be downloaded from the nameserver each time. Use this if you are interested in measuring DNS performance time.
If you are connecting directly via an IP address, specify the IP address here instead of a domain name. DNS lookup. Available options are:
- noreset Include the keyword 'noreset' to keep the HTTP/S session information from being cleared.
usage: dns [name] [noreset,nocache]
req | name | type | description |
Y | name | expression | Domain name to resolve to an IP. |
N | options | list | Comma separated list of options for the |
dns ""
Gets the IP address for the domain name Makes this IP address available to all ASL protocol commands.
dns ""
Since this is an IP address already, this dns command makes this IP address available to all ASL protocol commands.
dns "" noreset
Gets the IP address for the domain name Makes this IP address available to all ASL protocol commands. HTTP/S session information is retained for subsequent HTTP/S commands.
Checks the given IP against DNS block lists used by mail servers to reject mail from known or suspected spam sources. Currently checks the combined list.
If the IP is in the block lists this command will generate an error.
usage: dnsbl [IP]
req | name | type | description |
Y | ip | expression | The IP address to check with the DNS block lists. |
Check the DNS block lists for
Causes the script execution to terminate with an error state and the given message to be sent to all eligible contacts.
usage: error [message]
req | name | type | description |
Y | The message to be sent to the eligible contacts. | expression message |
error "Database query failed"
Ends the script and sends the message "Database query failed" to all eligible contacts.
Causes the script execution to terminate with a success state and the given message to be appended to the check log.
usage: exit [message]
req | name | type | description |
N | message | expression | Optional message to be appended to the log |
exit "All pages are OK"
Exits the script immediately, marking the check successful and appends the text "All pages are OK" to the check's log.
Exits the script immediately, marking the check successful.
The for loop allows iteration a fixed number of times. Note that scripts will only execute a maximum of 5,000 commands before generating a runtime error. This is to keep any script from running out of control.
You can use the 'begin' keyword in place of the statement to execute multiple commands on each iteration. Be sure to terminate the loop with an 'end' statement:
for X = 1 to 5 begin .... end
usage: for [target] = [expr1] to [expr2] [step [expr3]] [statement] [;] [statement...]
req | name | type | description |
Y | target | variable | Variable to receive the value of each iteration |
Y | expr1 | expression | The starting index of the loop |
Y | expr2 | expression | The ending index of the loop |
N | expr3 | expression | The increment to use each iteration (defaults to 1, can be negative) |
Y | statement | statement | The command(s) to execute on each iteration of the loop |
for X = 1 to 5 http get "/execute.php?cmd=" + $X
Interate from 1 to 5, assigning the value of each iteration to X. On each iteration, execute an http statement giving the value of X to the server script being executed.
for X = 5 to 1 step -1 http get "/execute.php?cmd=" + $X
Interate from 5 to 1, assigning the value of each iteration to X. On each iteration, execute an http statement giving the value of X to the server script being executed.
Sets the value of a form variable to the given expression. Form variables are sent with the next HTTP/S command and then cleared. Generally you should use the "encode" option with the http command to insure that the variable names and values are properly encoded for transport.
usage: form [target] = [source]
req | name | type | description |
Y | target | variable | The name of the form variable |
Y | source | expression | The value to place in the form variable |
form txtState = "New York"
Sets the value of the form variable "txtState" to "New York".
form "0_userName" = "guest"
Sets the value of the form variable "0_userName" to "guest". The form variable name is surrounded by quotes because it does not comply with ASL variable naming standards.
An alternate means of passing form variables, the formdata command allows you to set all form variables at one time. It also avoids the problem of form variables not meeting the ASL naming conventions which precludes the use of the form command. If you use this command, then you must make sure the data is properly encoded for HTTP transmission. The 'encode' option of the http command will not have any affect data submitted using this command.
usage: formdata [vars]
req | name | type | description |
Y | vars | expression | String to use in HTTP/S requests with form variables |
formdata "txtName=My%20website&txtFunction=monitor"
On the next HTTP/S request, the data "txtName=My%20websiteamp;txtFunction=monitor" will be sent as form variables.
Connects to an FTP server. Optionally can retrieve a file from that server.
usage: ftp [path] [userid] [password] [size]
req | name | type | description |
Y | path | expression | The directory path to change to after logging in. You can specify a complete file path; if you do the file up to 'size' will be downloaded. |
N | userid | expression | The userid to use when logging into the FTP server |
N | password | expression | The password to use when logging into the FTP server |
N | size | expression | The maximum amount (in bytes) of the file to download if a file was specified. |
ftp "/" "anonymous" ""
Connects to the FTP server identified in the last dns command. The user "anonymous" and password "" are supplied if the FTP server asks for authentication.
ftp "pub/readme.txt" "fzappa" "" "50"
Connects to the FTP server identified in the last dns command. The user "fzappa" and password "" are supplied if the FTP server asks for authentication. The first 50 bytes of the file "pub/readme.txt" are downloaded and stored in $CONTENT.
Cause execution of the script to jump to a given label in the script. Script labels are created by placing a ":" and then the name of the label. Label names must start with a character and cannot have spaces.
'gosub' differs from goto in that you can return from a 'gosub' call and resume script execution with the next command after the 'gosub'.
usage: gosub [label]
req | name | type | description |
Y | label | literal | The script label to jump to. |
gosub check_site
Assuming the script contains a label ":check_site", execution of the script will continue with the line after the label.
Cause execution of the script to jump to a given label in the script. Script labels are created by placing a ":" and then the name of the label. Label names must start with a character and cannot have spaces.
usage: goto [label]
req | name | type | description |
Y | label | literal | The script label to jump to. |
goto check_site
Assuming the script contains a label ":check_site", execution of the script will continue with the line after the label.
Appends a header to the list of headers that will be sent with the next HTTP/S request. The text is sent as-is by this commnand, so the format must be appropriate and acceptable to the target web server.
usage: header [text]
req | name | type | description |
Y | text | expression | The string to be sent with the next HTTP/S request. |
header "x-script:alertra web site monitor"
Adds the header "x-script:alertra web site monitor" to the list of headers to be sent with the next HTTP/S request.
Makes an HTTP connection to the computer using the computer identified in the last dns and tcp commands.
If you use the 'GET' method, you can pass form variables in the 'request' parameter or by using the form or formdata commands. However, the 'POST' method requires that you use form or formdata to pass form variables.
You must specify one of 'get', 'head', or 'post' in the options parameter.
If you are posting form data you should usually include the 'encode' option. This will translate illegal characters in your form variables into hex characters acceptable in the HTTP protocol. The only reason not to use this option is if in setting the form variables you have manually translated the illegal characters already.
usage: http [options] [request] [user] [pass]
req | name | type | description |
Y | options | list | Comma separated list of options for the HTTP connection. Available options are:
Y | request | expression | The page request sent to the HTTP server. |
N | user | expression | If the server requests authentication, the user to use to authenticate. |
N | pass | expression | The password for the user in authentication. |
http get,redir "/index.html"
Retrieves the page "/index.html" from the server using the 'GET' method. The 'http' command will follow all redirect commands from the server (redirect loop protection is built into ASL; the script will end with an error if a redirect loop is detected).
http post,encode "/scripts/checkcc.asp" "joe" "u571"
Posts whatever variables have been set with either the form or formdata commands to the "/scripts/checkcc.asp" page. If the variables were set with the form command, then they will also be encoded. If the server requests authentication information, it will be sent the user "joe" with the password "u571".
Resets all of the headers, cookies, and other session data collected by previous HTTP/S commands.
usage: httpreset
Resets all HTTP/S related session data.
Makes an HTTPS connection to the computer using the computer identified in the last dns and tcp commands.
If you use the 'GET' method, you can pass form variables in the 'request' parameter or by using the form or formdata commands. However, the 'POST' method requires that you use form or formdata to pass form variables.
You must specify one of 'get', 'head', or 'post' in the options parameter.
If you are posting form data you should usually include the 'encode' option. This will translate illegal characters in your form variables into hex characters acceptable in the HTTP protocol. The only reason not to use this option is if in setting the form variables you have manually translated the illegal characters already.
usage: https [options] [request] [user] [pass]
req | name | type | description |
Y | options | list | Comma separated list of options for the HTTP connection. Available options are:
Y | request | expression | The page request sent to the HTTPS server. |
N | user | expression | If the server requests authentication, the user to use to authenticate. |
N | pass | expression | The password for the user in authentication. |
https get,redir "/index.html"
Retrieves the page "/index.html" from the server using the 'GET' method. The 'https' command will follow all redirect commands from the server (redirect loop protection is built into ASL; the script will end with an error if a redirect loop is detected).
https post,encode "/scripts/checkcc.asp" "joe" "u571"
Posts whatever variables have been set with either the form or formdata commands to the "/scripts/checkcc.asp" page. If the variables were set with the form command, then they will also be encoded. If the server requests authentication information, it will be sent the user "joe" with the password "u571".
Conditionally perform a statement. If the expression evaluates to anything besides "0", the statement will be executed. If the expression evaluates to "0" the statement will not be executed. Use of the keyword 'not' reverses this behavior.
Normally you would branch using a goto statement, but you can use any valid statement after the then clause. Additionally, you can have multiple statements executed by separating them with a semicolon (;).
You can use the 'begin' keyword in place of the statement to execute multiple commands. Be sure to terminate the if with an 'end' statement:
if not "My web site" in $CONTENT then begin .... end
usage: if [not] [expr] then [statement] [;] [statement...]
req | name | type | description |
N | not | literal | Include this literal to negate the value of the expression. |
Y | expr | expression | The expression to be evaluated. |
Y | statement | statement | The command(s) to execute if the expression evaluates to true. |
if "Login Successful" in $CONTENT then goto success
If the variable $CONTENT (which always contains the result from the last protocol command) contains the text "Login Successful" the script will branch to the label ":success". Otherwise the script will continue with the next statment after the if.
if not "Login Successful" in $CONTENT then error "Login to site was unsuccessful"
If "Login Successful" is not in $CONTENT, then the script will be terminated with an error message ("Login to site was unsuccessful"). Otherwise, the script will continue with the next statement after the if.
See imap4.
Interacts with an IMAP4 server to perform the following functions: connect, message count, and clearing messages.
usage: imap4 [operation] [user] [password] [options]
req | name | type | description |
Y | operation | keyword | One of:
Y | user | expression | Login ID of user's mailbox |
Y | password | expression | Password for the user's mailbox |
N | options | list | Available options are:
imap4 connect "joe" "garage"
Establishes a connection to the server and logs in.
imap4 msgcount $USER $PASS
Assuming $USER contains "jack" and $PASS contains "beanstalk", this command will log into the IMAP4 server, query it for current number of messages in the inbox and place that number in $CONTENT.
imap4 clear "jill" "beanstalk"
Logs into the IMAP4 server and deletes all the messages in the account's inbox.
imap4 connect "joe" "garage" ssl
Establishes a secure connection to the server and logs in.
Inserts a message into the log for this check.
usage: info [message]
req | name | type | description |
Y | message | expression | Text of the message to be added to the log. |
info "Starting Database Check"
Adds a message to the log that says, "Starting Database Check".
Returns an element from the given list. Indexes are zero based. The list value is stored in a global variable called "LIST_VALUE".
usage: list [list] [sep] [index]
req | name | type | description |
Y | list | expression | A string containing a list of values sepearated by a common string. |
Y | sep | expression | A string containing the separator used in the list |
Y | index | expression | Index of the element to return from the list |
list "foo;bar;zot" ";" "0"
Returns "foo" from the list.
list "foo;bar;zot" ";" "1"
Returns "bar" from the list.
Interact with a MySQL database server by connecting and optionally executing queries.
On the initial connection, this command will attempt to execute the query "SHOW STATUS" to gain the value of all status variables maintained by MySQL. These variables will be added to the global namespace as MYSQL_STATUS_X where "X" is the name of the variable. For instance, after executing this command:
mysql connect "guest" "love" "mysql"
You could query the value of a status variable like this:
if $MYSQL_STATUS_ABORTED_CLIENTS > 10 then error "aborted clients"
More information on the "SHOW STATUS" query can be found here.
executing queries
After connecting to a MySQL server, you can execute any number of queries. The scripting engine uses a single cursor for a connection to the server, so each query will over write the results from the last. This sample code illustrates how to execute a query and retrieve the results:
mysql exec 'select user_id, email, status from users' for REC = 1 to $MYSQL_ROW_COUNT begin mysql cursor next if $MYSQL_COLUMN_status = "A" then begin info $MYSQL_COLUMN_0 + ", " + $MYSQL_COLUMN_email + ", Active" else info $MYSQL_COLUMN_0 + ", " + $MYSQL_COLUMN_email + ", Not Active" end end
After the query is executed, the variable MYSQL_ROW_COUNT is set to the number of rows returned by the query. That variable can be used within a for loop to retrieve the records. Calling mysql cursor next "loads" the next record into global variables. You can access the column values by index or by name (e.g. MYSQL_COLUMN_0 and MYSQL_COLUMN_email respectively).
usage: mysql [connect [user] [password] [database]] [exec [query]] [cursor next] [close]
req | name | type | description |
Y | operation | keyword | One of:
N | user | expression | Login ID used to connect to the server |
N | password | expression | Password used to authenticate the connection to the server |
N | database | expression | Name of database to use after connecting |
N | query | expression | The query to execute |
N | next | expression | Moves the cursor to the next record |
mysql connect "guest" "love" "mysql"
Connect to the given MySQL server with the user ID "guest", a password of "love". The database "mysql" will be used.
mysql exec "select * from users"
Executes the query using the existing connection to the MySQL server.
mysql cursor next
Move the resultset cursor from the current record (or the beginning of the resultset) to the next record.
mysql close
Close the current connection to the MySQL server. Also closes the outstanding cursor if necessary.
Directly connects to one or more nameservers to insure they are working properly.
You must specify one of 'soa', 'a', or 'mx' in the operation parameter.
usage: nameserver [operation] [domain] [server]
req | name | type | description |
Y | operation | keyword | Available operations are:
Y | domain | expression | The domain to query the nameserver(s) with. |
N | server | expression | The domain name or IP of the nameserver to check when not doing an soa check. |
nameserver soa ""
Contacts the zone authority to get the Start Of Authority record for the domain "" command. The primary and any backup nameservers in the SOA will be checked to insure they are working properly.
nameserver a "" ""
Connects to the nameserver "" directly and requests that it resolve the domain ""
The on command allows you to specify a label to jump to when an event happens.
usage: on [event] goto [label]
req | name | type | description |
Y | event | literal | Currently error is the only event that can be trapped. |
Y | label | literal | A valid label within the script to jump to when an event happens. If set to the literal "0", then the event handler is disabled and normal processing of the event is resumed. If set to the literal "next", then errors will no longer cause the script to end; execution will continue with the next statement. |
on error goto handle_errors
Sets up an event handler that will send all "error" events to the "handle_errors" script label.
on error goto 0
Removes any previously set event handler for "error" events.
on error goto next
Causes the script to continue executing even if an error is generated; execution will continue with the next statement after the one that caused the error.
Parse the given content for a specific "form" tag. Parsed form attributes are placed in local variables. Parsed form input fields are placed in variables that can be set via the form command.
form names
A single HTML page can contain multiple forms, so typically each form has its "name" property set to some unique name. If that is the case, then you can control which form "parseform" parses by supplying that name:
parseform "login"
When the form is parsed, the form attributes are put into local variables that can be accessed from the script. For instance, parsing this form:
<form name="login" action="login.asp">
Would result in the following variables:
Name | Value |
FORM_login_name | login |
FORM_login_action | login.asp |
In some cases, usually with only one form in the HTML, the form may not have it's name property set. In this case, parseform will give it the name "alertraMAIN". Note: If your HTML has more than one form without it's name property set, you cannot use parseform.
The input fields of the form are also parsed and stored in variables. A form with two input fields, 'username' and 'password' plus a hidden field called '__VIEWSTATE', would cause the following variables to be set:
Name | Value |
input_login_username_value | [some value] |
input_login_password_value | [some password] |
input_login___viewstate_type | hidden |
input_login___viewstate_value | [some value] |
The parseform command will automatically copy any form input values that have a default value to the form variable collection (see: form). You only need to set those values if you want to override the default. For instance, in the example above say 'username' and 'password' don't have default values, but '__VIEWSTATE' does. In that case, after calling parseform the form variable '__VIEWSTATE' would already be set from the value parsed from the HTML.
usage: parseform [formname]
req | name | type | description |
Y | formname | expression | Name of the form to parse. |
parseform "login"
Parses the "login" form and puts the values in FORM_login_X variables.
Protocol command that initiates an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command. If all packets fail to be returned by the host, an error will be generated.
The ping command sets the following global variables:
- LAST_PING_DELAY - the average time response time of all ping packets.
- LAST_PING_BADPACKETS - the number of packets that were not acknowledged by the host.
usage: ping [count] [badpercent] [maxdelayavg]
req | name | type | description |
N | count | expression | Number of ping packets to send to the server. Default is 15. |
N | badpercent | expression | Percentage of packets that can be bad before an error is generated. |
N | maxdelayavg | expression | Maximum average packet delay before an error is generated. |
Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 15 ping packets.
ping "5"
Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 5 ping packets.
ping "30" "70"
Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 100 ping packets. If 70% or greater of those packets are bad, then an error will be generated.
ping "10" "100" "50"
Performs an ICMP test of the last host passed to the dns command by sending 100 ping packets. If all of the packets are bad (100%) an error will be generated. If the average packet delay is greater than 50ms, an error will be generated.
Interacts with a POP3 server to perform the following functions: connect, msgcount, and clear.
usage: pop3 [operation] [user] [password] [options]
req | name | type | description |
Y | operation | keyword | One of:
Y | user | expression | Login ID of user's mailbox |
Y | password | expression | Password for the user's mailbox |
N | options | list | Available options are:
pop3 connect "joe" "garage"
Establishes a connection to the server and logs in.
pop3 msgcount $USER $PASS
Assuming $USER contains "jack" and $PASS contains "beanstalk", this command will log into the POP server, query it for the the current number of messages in the inbox and place that number in $CONTENT.
pop3 clear "jill" "beanstalk"
Logs into the POP3 server and deletes all the messages in the account's inbox.
pop3 connect "joe" "garage" ssl
Establishes a secure connection to the server and logs in.
Reads the header sent by the server (typically containing the service version information). The port must be previously set by a call to the tcp command. The data returned by this command can be found in the "$CONTENT" variable. The port is closed after this command.
usage: portver
Sets $CONTENT to the version string returned by the service.
Retrieves waiting data from an open tcp or udp connection. If data is received before the timeout, it will be placed in $CONTENT. Otherwise, an error will be thrown. The default timeout is 20 seconds.
This command is typically used with the send command to interact directly with a network device.
usage: recv [timeout]
req | name | type | description |
N | timeout | expression | Number of seconds to wait on data if none is available. |
Waits on the open connection until data is received or 20 seconds elapses, whichever is first.
recv 10
Waits on the open connection until data is received or 10 seconds elapses, whichever is first.
Assuming TIMEOUT=25, waits on the open connection until data is received or 25 seconds elapses, whichever is first.
Returns execution of the script to the next statement after the statement that generated the last error.
This command is only useful if you have an on error goto error handler in effect.
usage: resume
Returns execution to the statement following the one that generated the error.
Returns execution of the script to the next statement after the last gosub statement.
If there is no 'gosub' in effect when 'return' is called, a runtime error will result.
usage: return
Resumes execution of the script with the statement following the last 'gosub'.
Sets the number of seconds the script should be allowed to run before it is cancelled with a runtime error. The script might actually run longer, the runlimit is only checked before execution of each command. Maximum value is 300 seconds (five minutes). Minimum value is 5 seconds.
usage: runlimit [seconds]
req | name | type | description |
Y | seconds | expression | Number of seconds to allow script to run |
runlimit 10
This script will be allowed to run for 10 seconds before being killed.
Saves the contents of the given variable in a persistent store; variables stored using the save command are available the next time the script runs.
usage: save [varname]
req | name | type | description |
Y | varname | variable | The name of the variable to save. |
Saves the current contents of HOST_NAME in the persistent storage. When the script runs again the HOST_NAME variable will be set to that value.
Sends data to an open tcp or udp connection. This command is typically used with the recv command to interact directly with a network device.
usage: send
send "HELO
" Sends the string "HELO" followed by a carriage return and line feed to the open connection.
Sets the value of a local variable to the given expression. The local variable does not have to be created first; the first time you give a variable a value the variable will be created and will exist for the entire execution of the script.
usage: set [target] = [source]
req | name | type | description |
Y | target | variable | The variable name to set contain the value. |
Y | source | expression | The value to set the variable to. |
set HOST = ""
Sets the "HOST" variable to the value ""
set PAGE = "/orderform.asp?id=" + $ID + "&load=y"
Assuming "ID" is a variable set to "10", this example sets the "PAGE" variable to the value "/orderform.asp?id=10&load=y".
Interacts with an SMTP server to perform the following functions: connect, verify and sendmail.
You can force the connection to use TLS mode by setting the local variable smtptls to "Y", e.g.:
set smtptls="Y"
If the server doesn't doesn't support TLS, the connection will fail.
usage: smtp [sendmail [from] [to] [subject] [msg]] [verify [address]] [user] [password]
req | name | type | description |
Y | operation | keyword | One of:
N | from | expression | When performing a 'sendmail' operation, this is the e-mail address that should be sent in the SMTP "From:" header. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation. |
N | to | expression | When performing a 'sendmail' operation, this is the e-mail address that should receive the message. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation. |
N | subject | expression | The subject to send with the message when performing a 'sendmail' operation. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation. |
N | msg | expression | The text of the message to send when sending a message to the SMTP server using the 'sendmail' operation. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation. |
N | address | expression | The e-mail address that should be checked with the SMTP server when using the 'verify" operation. This field is only required for the 'verify' operation. |
N | user | expression | Login ID for a valid user of the SMTP server; this field is not widely used by most SMTP servers. |
N | password | expression | Password for login ID; this field is required if user is specified. |
smtp sendmail "" "" "Test Message" "This is a test message"
This example will send a message to from with the subject Test Message and contents of This is a test message.
smtp sendmail $FROM_ADDR "" "Test Message" $MSG_TEXT "joe" "passpass"
Send a message to from the address defined in the variable FROM_ADDRESS with the subject Test Message, the contents of MSG_TEXT as the text of the message and logging in as joe with the password passpass.
smtp verify ""
Connects to the SMTP server and verifies the address is valid.
Connects to a SSH server. If you supply a userid and password, this check will connect to the SSH and attempt to login. If the login fails, an error will be generated. If you do not supply any credentials, this check will connect to the SSH server, but not attempt to login. As long as the socket connect is made and any sort of SSH version string is sent, the check will succeed.
usage: ssh [userid] [password]
req | name | type | description |
N | userid | expression | The userid to use when logging into the SSH server |
N | password | expression | The password to use when logging into the SSH server |
Connects to the SSH server identified in the last dns command.
ssh "joe" "garage"
Connects to the SSH server identified in the last dns command. The user "joe" and password "garage" are supplied for the SSH server authentication.
Makes a quick TCP connection to the given port. Other protocol commands will use this same port. This command must be called before other protocol commands. There are several predefined constants for common ports: HTTP_PORT, HTTPS_PORT, FTP_PORT, SMTP_PORT, POP3_PORT, TELNET_PORT, SSH_PORT, IMAP4_PORT.
socket connection. Available options are:
- noconnect Don't actually connect to the socket, just set the port required for other protocol commands.
- ssl Use secure connection (SSL)
usage: tcp [port] [options]
req | name | type | description |
Y | port | expression | The port to connect to. |
N | list | options Comma separated list of options for the |
Makes a connection to port 80 on the computer identified by the last dns command.
Connects to a Telnet server. If you supply a userid and password, this check will connect to the Telnet server and attempt to login. The 'telnet' command looks for the string 'ogin:' and then sends the userid. It then looks for 'ssword:" and sends the password. There is no way of knowing whether the login actually succeeds or not from a protocol standpoint; you should check the $CONTENT variable for some known value to tell whether the login was successful.
If you don't supply a userid and password, this command will return everything up to "ogin:" in $CONTENT.
You must call dns and tcp to set the hostname and port to connect to.
usage: telnet [userid] [password]
req | name | type | description |
N | userid | expression | The userid to use when logging into the server |
N | password | expression | The password to use when logging into the server |
Connects to the Telnet server identified in the last dns command.
telnet "joe" "garage"
Connects to the Telnet server identified in the last dns command. The user "joe" and password "garage" are supplied for the Telnet server authentication.
Pauses the script for the given number of seconds.
usage: timeout [seconds]
req | name | type | description |
Y | seconds | expression | The number of seconds to pause execution of the script. |
timeout "5"
Pauses execution of the script for 5 seconds.
timeout $WAIT_SECS
If WAIT_SECS=10, then execution of the script is paused for 10 seconds.
Performs a trace similar to 'traceroute' to the IP resolved by the last DNS.
gauging link performance (must be a value between 1-30).
usage: trace [cycles]
req | name | type | description |
Y | cycles | variable | Number of ping packets to send when |
trace "10"
Conducts a trace to the IP and sends 10 packets to each node in the trace to gauge performance.
If the script ends in an error, a traceroute will be completed from the current monitoring station to the last IP resolved by the dns command.
usage: traceable
An error will result in a traceroute being executed.
Makes a UDP connection to the given port. There are several predefined constants for common ports: HTTP_PORT, HTTPS_PORT, FTP_PORT, SMTP_PORT, POP3_PORT, TELNET_PORT, SSH_PORT, IMAP4_PORT.
usage: udp [port]
req | name | type | description |
Y | port | expression | The port to connect to. |
udp "100"
Makes a connection to port 100 on the computer identified by the last dns command.
If the script ends in an error, a traceroute will not be completed.
usage: untraceable
An error will not result in a traceroute being executed.
Pauses execution of the script for the given number of seconds.
usage: wait [seconds]
req | name | type | description |
Y | seconds | expression | Number of seconds to pause the script |
wait 10
Causes the script to pause execution for 10 seconds
Causes a warning message to be sent to all eligible contacts assigned to this script. For the warning to actually be sent, you must exit the script before any other statements are executed (see goto).
usage: warning [message]
req | name | type | description |
Y | message | expression | Text of the message to send to the eligible contacts. |
warning "Website has changed"
Sends a warning message saying, "Website has changed," to all eligible contacts.
warning "Total time of " + $TOTAL_RUNTIME + " seconds outside of allowed range"
Assuming the script has been running for 10 seconds, this example sends a warning message to all eligible contacts that says, "Total time of 10 seconds outside of allowed range"
The while loop allows iteration an unknown number of times. Note that scripts will only execute a maximum of 5,000 commands before generating a runtime error. This is to keep any script from running out of control.
You can use the 'begin' keyword in place of the statement to execute multiple commands on each iteration. Be sure to terminate the loop with an 'end' statement:
while $N != 10 begin .... end
usage: while [expr] loop [statement] [;] [statement...]
req | name | type | description |
Y | expr | expression | Expression evaluated before each iteration |
Y | statement | statement | The command(s) to execute on each iteration of the loop |
while $N != 10 loop $N = $N + 1
Increments the variable N until its value is equal to 10.