Alertra Script Language 1.9
Makes an HTTPS connection to the computer using the computer identified in the last dns and tcp commands.
If you use the 'GET' method, you can pass form variables in the 'request' parameter or by using the form or formdata commands. However, the 'POST' method requires that you use form or formdata to pass form variables.
You must specify one of 'get', 'head', or 'post' in the options parameter.
If you are posting form data you should usually include the 'encode' option. This will translate illegal characters in your form variables into hex characters acceptable in the HTTP protocol. The only reason not to use this option is if in setting the form variables you have manually translated the illegal characters already.
usage: https [options] [request] [user] [pass]
req | name | type | description |
Y | options | list | Comma separated list of options for the HTTP connection. Available options are:
Y | request | expression | The page request sent to the HTTPS server. |
N | user | expression | If the server requests authentication, the user to use to authenticate. |
N | pass | expression | The password for the user in authentication. |
https get,redir "/index.html"
Retrieves the page "/index.html" from the server using the 'GET' method. The 'https' command will follow all redirect commands from the server (redirect loop protection is built into ASL; the script will end with an error if a redirect loop is detected).
https post,encode "/scripts/checkcc.asp" "joe" "u571"
Posts whatever variables have been set with either the form or formdata commands to the "/scripts/checkcc.asp" page. If the variables were set with the form command, then they will also be encoded. If the server requests authentication information, it will be sent the user "joe" with the password "u571".
Alertra Script Language: Language Reference