Alertra Script Language 1.9


Directly connects to one or more nameservers to insure they are working properly.

You must specify one of 'soa', 'a', or 'mx' in the operation parameter.

usage: nameserver [operation] [domain] [server]


req name type description
Y operation keyword Available operations are:
  • soa Requests the Start Of Authority record from the zone authority; checks the primary and any backup nameservers returned in the SOA. The server is not used.
  • a Get the authority record(s) from the nameserver specified in the server command.
  • mx Get the mail exchange record(s) from the nameserver specified in the server command.
Y domain expression The domain to query the nameserver(s) with.
N server expression The domain name or IP of the nameserver to check when not doing an soa check.


nameserver soa ""

Contacts the zone authority to get the Start Of Authority record for the domain "" command. The primary and any backup nameservers in the SOA will be checked to insure they are working properly.

nameserver a "" ""

Connects to the nameserver "" directly and requests that it resolve the domain ""

Alertra Script Language: Language Reference