Alertra Script Language 1.9


Interacts with an SMTP server to perform the following functions: connect, verify and sendmail.

You can force the connection to use TLS mode by setting the local variable smtptls to "Y", e.g.:

set smtptls="Y"

If the server doesn't doesn't support TLS, the connection will fail.

usage: smtp [sendmail [from] [to] [subject] [msg]] [verify [address]] [user] [password]


req name type description
Y operation keyword One of:
  • connect: Connects to the SMTP server and looks for the proper greeting.
  • sendmail: Sends an email using the SMTP server to the given toAddress.
  • verify: Asks the SMTP server to verify that the given toAddress is valid on that server.
N from expression When performing a 'sendmail' operation, this is the e-mail address that should be sent in the SMTP "From:" header. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation.
N to expression When performing a 'sendmail' operation, this is the e-mail address that should receive the message. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation.
N subject expression The subject to send with the message when performing a 'sendmail' operation. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation.
N msg expression The text of the message to send when sending a message to the SMTP server using the 'sendmail' operation. This field is only required for the 'sendmail' operation.
N address expression The e-mail address that should be checked with the SMTP server when using the 'verify" operation. This field is only required for the 'verify' operation.
N user expression Login ID for a valid user of the SMTP server; this field is not widely used by most SMTP servers.
N password expression Password for login ID; this field is required if user is specified.


smtp sendmail "" "" "Test Message" "This is a test message"

This example will send a message to from with the subject Test Message and contents of This is a test message.

smtp sendmail $FROM_ADDR "" "Test Message" $MSG_TEXT "joe" "passpass"

Send a message to from the address defined in the variable FROM_ADDRESS with the subject Test Message, the contents of MSG_TEXT as the text of the message and logging in as joe with the password passpass.

smtp verify ""

Connects to the SMTP server and verifies the address is valid.

Alertra Script Language: Language Reference